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What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium post. When you need to replace a missing adult tooth, Dr. Mark S. Dill, DDS, will surgically implant the small metal post into your gums. Once it heals, Dr. Dill will create your custom crown (which becomes your new tooth) and attach it to the dental implant. 

When the procedure is complete, your smile will be completely restored. Your new tooth will look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth do. With dental implants, you can continue to enjoy the foods you love and feel confident with your smile. 

Our team at Hixson Pike Dental is ready to help you restore your smile! Call us at (423) 842-2420, or click the link below to schedule your dental implant consultation today.

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Why Should I Get a Dental Implant?

Dental implants in Hixson are the gold standard in tooth restoration technology. While you can opt to use removable dentures or bridges to replace missing teeth, nothing beats the stability of our high-quality dental implants. 

You should consider getting dental implants if you want to:

  • Replace a missing tooth without impacting your surrounding teeth
  • Replace multiple missing teeth (i.e., fixed dentures or an implant-supported bridge)
  • Maintain the health and appearance of your jawbones
  • Restore the strength of your bite so you can eat your favorite foods
  • Have a more permanent solution to your missing teeth
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Who Can Get Dental Implants?

In general, if you are a healthy adult with one or more missing teeth, you are a good candidate for dental implants in Hixson. When you get your examination at Hixson Pike Dental, Dr. Dill will assess your oral health to determine if you could successfully receive a dental implant. 

Some conditions that could delay your implant surgery are:

  • Gum disease, which would need to be cleared up prior to receiving your implant
  • Not enough bone mass in your jaw to support the implant, in which case you may need a bone graft procedure

If you need an additional procedure before you receive your dental implants, Dr. Dill will let you know at your consultation. 

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Why Is a Dental Implant the Best Restoration Method?

Your natural teeth have roots. These go deep into your gums and extend into your jawbones. These roots serve two important functions for your oral health: 

  • They keep your teeth in place
  • They keep your jawbone healthy

The first function is simple. The roots of your teeth are like little anchors that keep your teeth fixed in your gums where they belong. 

The second function is one most patients don't know about. When you chew food, you put pressure on your teeth. This pressure is absorbed down through the roots of your teeth and onto your jawbones. When that stimulation happens, it helps your jawbone stay strong and healthy. 

When you are missing a tooth, that section of your jawbone doesn't receive the stimulation when you chew. Over time, that section of bone weakens—and you can actually lose bone mass in your jaw! 

Dental implants are the best way to avoid this loss of bone mass. The implant itself is placed deep in your gums, just like the roots of your teeth. Once your jaw has completely healed from the surgery, your implant will stimulate your jawbone just like your natural teeth's roots do. This keeps your jawbone strong.

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Types of Dental Implants in Hixson

Dr. Dill will work with you to find the best restoration option to meet your needs. At our dental office in Hixson, TN, he offers the following types of implant procedures: 

  • Single Dental Implants

    If you are missing one tooth, we can replace it with a single dental implant and a porcelain crown designed to match your smile.

  • Implant Bridges

    If you have several missing teeth in a row, we can give you an implant bridge. With two implants, we can attach a bridge of three to four teeth to restore your smile and improve your bite.

  • Fixed (Implant-Supported) Dentures

    If you are missing most or all of your natural teeth, we can attach a custom-made denture to as few as four implants to replace an entire arch of teeth. Many patients prefer this solution to traditional dentures because it is secure and keeps your jawbones healthy.

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We're Here To Help!

Located in Hixson, TN we are happy to serve both new and existing patients from nearby neighborhoods. We hope to see you and your family soon so we can help you preserve your dental and overall health with the very best of personalized care. 

Dental Implants

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